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Installation view of collaborative works made between John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Groups + Pairs 2016-2020, 2020, Anna Schwartz Gallery Melbourne AU. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 

GROUPS + PAIRS 2016-2020 - John Nixon

21.03.2020 - 19.12.2020

Anna Schwartz Gallery (exhibition website)

Melbourne AU

John Nixon’s works are most­ly made in groups or series, even though they are indi­vid­ual, solo paint­ings. Sin­gu­lar objects, they are made in accor­dance with spe­cif­ic para­me­ters which define one group from anoth­er. For exam­ple, in this exhi­bi­tion, a group of con­struct­ed paint­ings has a con­cep­tu­al basis around the use of var­i­ous lengths of tim­ber that are intu­itive­ly organ­ised across the sur­face of the MDF in dif­fer­ent geo­met­ric per­mu­ta­tions. Sim­i­lar­ly, a group of white paint­ings on can­vas and hes­s­ian pan­els are joined togeth­er to form vari­a­tions on shape and structure.

The exhi­bi­tion also fea­tures paired paint­ings, some­times made in groups as pre­vi­ous­ly but in this for­mat dis­played side-by-side. The first paired paint­ings were made in 2016 and this process is con­tin­u­ous. Many dif­fer­ent rules of engage­ment are applied in the mak­ing and visu­al attrib­ut­es of each pair. Some are sim­ple, some, com­plex. Both min­i­mal and max­i­mal con­cerns with­in Nixon’s prac­tice cre­ate an inter­nal dia­logue and are dis­played here in evi­dence of his ongo­ing ded­i­ca­tion to geo­met­ric abstraction.

There are three addi­tion­al com­po­nents in Groups + Pairs 2016 – 2020. First­ly, pre­sent­ed on tables, are sets of col­lab­o­ra­tive works made by Nixon and Jacque­line Sto­janovic, that com­bine Stojanovic’s prac­tice of weav­ing with Nixon’s con­struct­ed paintings.

The sec­ond com­po­nent is a video titled Red + Blue (2020). The video fea­tures the dancer Grace Uchi­da wear­ing dress­es from Alpha60 in con­junc­tion with two of Nixon’s paint­ings. This video demon­strates Nixon’s inter­est in the crossover between con­tem­po­rary dance and paint­ing using alter­nate meth­ods of pre­sen­ta­tion. Red + Blue is dis­played in the win­dow of Alpha60’s Flinders Lane store.

Final­ly, Anna Schwartz Gallery invit­ed the artist to pro­duce a lim­it­ed run of posters for the exhi­bi­tion. The posters are dis­trib­uted around the inner sub­urbs of Mel­bourne and fea­ture Nixon’s sig­na­ture graph­ic design style.

John Nixon, 2020



Presented are works made in collaboration with John Nixon that were presented in his exhibition Groups + Pairs 2016-2020


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled 2020, wool and jute; Polyfilla on hessian, 41 x 30.5 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled (pair) 2020, wool and jute; enamel on wood, 39 x 34.5 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled (pair) 2020, cotton and jute; enamel on cardboard on canvas 2 parts: 20 x 16 cm; 20 x 20 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled 2019, wool on metal grid; enamel on wood and canvas, 47.7 x 31 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


Installation view of collaborative works made between John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Groups + Pairs 2016-2020, 2020, Anna Schwartz Gallery Melbourne AU. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled 2020, wool and jute; industrial felt on canvas, 41 x 30 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled 2019, wool and jute on metal grid; enamel on wood on canvas, 37.5 x 26 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled 2020, enamel on wooden sticks and linen, 39 x 19 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 


John Nixon & Jacqueline Stojanović, Untitled  (pair) 2020, wool and jute; enamel on boxboard on canvas 2 parts: 25 x 13 cm; 25 x 13 cm. Photo courtesy of the Estate of John Nixon. Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria gifted by Anna Schwartz and Morry Schwartz. 

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